Psychosexual Counseling

Counseling and guidance is available for individuals and couples who wish to integrate different aspects of role play or power exchange in their relationships.

If you are already an experienced player you may have other issues and conflicts which you wish to discuss with a counselor who is understanding in relation to your involvement in the scene.

The following are some of the issues which you may wish to discuss:

*You fear your partner will reject you if you tell her/him about you fantasies.

*You would like to achieve harmony between your fantasies and your every-day life.  

*You are new to fantasy play and you want to understand why you have certain desires.

*You would like to meet someone who understands your needs.
*You would like to feel fulfilled after a session and not have feeling of shame or guilt.
*You would like to learn to give your partner more pleasure, thereby increasing your own as well.
*You have a problem respecting boundaries or setting your own.

*You come from a relationship of real abuse and you have difficulties understanding "pleasure abuse".